Emmanuel 57 years Louhans  France
Emmanuel 57 years Louhans  France
Emmanuel, 57 years
Emmanuel 57 years Louhans  France
Emmanuel 57 years Louhans  France
Online 29 days ago
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 Recherche mariage avec femme pour vivre en France J'aime la musique (Blues-Rock),la nature et la campagne. 

I wish to meet a woman between 37 and 56 years

Spoken languages fr Bilingual
en Beginner
es Beginner
it Beginner
Age 57 years
Country France
State / Province Burgundy
City Louhans
My height (in cm) 173 cm
My eye color Green
My hair color Brown
My occupation
Qualifications Other
My religion
My hobbies Going to cafes, cinema, concerts, chilling with friends
My personality traits Quiet, communicative, nice, honest, responsible, romantic, serious, sociable
My favorite kind of music Pop-rock
I usually read Magazines
My favorite food French, italian
My favorite sports: Swim, other
Marital status Never married
Children No children

Albums (0)

Dating Man Emmanuel 57 years France 173cm

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